Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blueberry Butter Mochi

If you've perused this blog (or bothered to read the title) you know I love mochi. I love the pillowy chewy texture, I love the plain mochi as well as the ones with creative fillings. I love making it, eating it, and dreaming up new recipes involving it. Butter mochi, from Hawaii, uses the mochiko flour to make a gluten-free cake that is sweet, chewy, and bouncy for a treat I love with a cup of tea. While not strictly mochi, it retains that same chewy texture I love while turning it into something uniquely hapa.

I also love how you can take the base idea of mochi and butter mochi and with a bit of imagination, make tons of different desserts. I've already used my basic butter mochi recipe to make my Confetti Coconut Cake.

When I found a recipe in Hawaii's Best Mochi Recipes by Jean Watanabe Hee that used canned blueberry pie to create a marbeled effect, I decided to see how I would like this fun spin-off using my own butter mochi recipe that I normally use. This dessert is a little messier and moister than most butter mochi, but despite this it is very easy to eat with your hands, which make it a great choice to bring to work functions or family potlucks.

Blueberry Butter Mochi

1 stick of butter, melted and cooled (1/2 cup) or margarine
1 lbs box of mochiko (3 cups)
1 12-13oz can of coconut milk
1 tablespoon baking powder
3 cups sugar*
1/2 tbs vanilla extract
5 eggs
1 can blueberry pie filling

Preheart oven to 375 degrees F. Mix all the ingredients together except the pie filling. After everything else is well incorporated, pour into 9x13 inch pan sprayed with PAM. Drop tablespoons of pie filling on to of the battle and use a skewer to drag the filling around to create a marbled look. Bake for 1hr at 375 degrees F or until toothpick comes out clean. Cut into squares after letting it cool slightly.

*If you like butter mochi a little more subtly sweet, you can reduce the sugar accordingly depending on your personal taste. I often reduce the sugar down to 1.5 cups, which makes it much less sweet. This iteration of butter mochi is definitely geared to an American palate that expects cake to be rather sweet, so play around with the amount of sugar!

See Also:
Confetti Coconut Cake
Butter Mochi
Dimply Plum Cake


  1. This looks yummy! How many servings will recipe make?

    1. It all depends on how generous you are! If you cut it into roughly 2" squares, for instance, you will get about 20 pieces.
