Thursday, April 24, 2014

Miss Mochi's Adventures Now Has a Facebook!

After over two years of blogging, I have finally decided to create a Facebook page for Miss Mochi's Adventures. At first it seemed unnecessary, not to mention more work for technologically-impaired me, but I have a lot of giveaways planned for this summer and I think it will make it a lot easier for everyone to enter!

Also, if you "like" my blog on Facebook, you will be able to see links to my blog posts as soon as I share them. In addition, I plan on sharing recipes and food news on my page from some of my favorite blogs and websites.

Please bear with me on getting Miss Moch's Adventures page full of fun recipes, pictures, and posts: Facebook has kindly informed me that there's a known issue where page posts are disappearing and reappearing at random. Already I've double posted something I thought had somehow been deleted!

To follow Miss Mochi's Adventures on Facebook, click here to check out the page and "Like" to follow!

The photo is a sneak peak on my recent travels in Japan! I went full-blown tourist and dressed up like a geisha (maiko) in Kyoto, and loved every second of it. My mother is in the foreground in the brown kimono, I'm right behind her in the black kimono. Photo credit goes to the Bro-Chi.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Why? Honestly because my mother and her friends have trouble figuring out blogger. They understand facebook, so it's easier for them to share recipes that way, as well as comment. Also, it allows me the freedom to share things I find fun that doesn't fit in this blog. Like fun recipes, food events in Orange County, or food-related articles. It also will allow people to see when I post a new recipe, without needing to check this blog (since more people are on Facebook regularly). This blog isn't changing in any capacity, nor going away.

  2. That's so funny, I've been avoiding a FB page for my blog for the longest time. I thought it was only me. =) I'm happy to like your FB page through my personal account though! Who knows, you may inspire me to start up my own! =)
