Tuesday, January 6, 2015

WTF 2015?

Wow. I am shocked that it is 2015. Last New Year's Eve my sentiments still ring true; while most people make resolutions and are giddy about the future, I normally get morbidly introspective on the failures of the past.

Speaking of failures: I swear I haven't died. I've just been busy!

Since getting promoted into a management position at work, I've been struggling to find time to blog. Especially since I now have a commute that I didn't before, finding time to cook has been very hard.

The good news is that I've stockpiled plenty of recipes as well as reviews to keep me going for months! I'm very sad that I didn't get to make anything with persimmons this year, as I normally do (hence my picture). Here's to a happier and healthier 2015!

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