Sunday, February 8, 2015

Happy Third Blogiversary to Miss Mochi's Adventures!

I'm of two minds. Half of me can't believe it's been three years since I started rambling about food and identity, and the other half can't believe it's only been that long. Anthropologists and the like say that most identity formation occurs in adolescence and so part of me can't believe it took me this long to start writing shit down.

What's in store for me in 2015?

Fuck if I know.

Part of me wants to quit my job, pack up the essentials, and vagabond around the world. Maybe I'll even rock dreadlocks. Maybe I'll go back to school, get my PhD and start lecturing on Asian American topics. Maybe I'll write a book.

Or maybe I'll just keep treading water.

Stay tuned for my adventures in Japan and Portland coming soon along with more recipes and restaurant reviews of Southern California.

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